
Sabbath Programs

and Jesus said...

The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.”
Mark 2:27-28

Our Sabbath (Saturday)

We may chase many things during the week…
but The Sabbath comes to us as a pleasure each week…
and it’s FREE!

At Parramatta Central, our Sabbath (Saturday) is a special time that we set aside each week to connect, grow, laugh, encourage each other, and worship together.

Sabbath Event

Current Month

pleasure is not full grown until it is remembered.” C.S.Lewis

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Exodus 20:8


We believe that you are

Designed to Thrive!

At Parramatta Central we have a range of things to get into for those interested in health and living your BEST life.
From Seminars to Life Groups, Health Expos to online tools

NEVER miss a health seminar!

Sign up for FREE alerts

Exercise combats health conditions and diseases | Mayo Clinic

Exercise for Fun & Fitness

Current Month

Family & Kids

We want to encourage you on your parenting journey!

At Parramatta Central we run a regular Kids Club and Playgroup, as well as various family friendly social events.


All over the world men and women are looking wistfully to heaven.”
Ellen G White

Are you looking to deepen your connection with God?

At Parramatta Central, we seek to provide various opportunities for you to learn and for your faith to grow.

Social Events

Every quarter we have a key social event that we do as a community group.
It might be a day trip to the mountains, a family fun day for the kids, a weekend away camping, or a day of bike riding along the Parramatta River.
There’s something for everyone!

We had so much fun with you in 2019

And if you thought 2019 was fun...

Have a look below to see what is in store for 2020!

29nov01decThrive Camp 2019Collaroy Centre

Seminar Series

From time to time, we run seminar series on various topics. They vary from theological to health or family & parenting.

Further information coming soon.


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